Sunday, January 31, 2016

Deja vu, between science and spirituality

Deja vu, between science and spirituality

If you ever feel that something or someone you meet for the first time is your familiar, it is among the 90% of people around the globe who have experienced déjà vu. Experts have not only delved into the phenomenon, but they found even benefits in everyday life.

The concept of déjà vu there in 1876 when the French philosopher Émile leisurely Boirac studied and named. Subsequently, experts from around the world have tried to expound their theories on the phenomenon. Among them, Sigmund Freud, who associated with repressed desires or memories related to a stressful event, and Carl Jung, who suggested that false sense of familiarity born from accessing the collective unconscious. With time, people's interest in science to detect causes of déjà vu decreased significantly, and that because of its bad reputation: it was associated with a previous life experiences or even abductions by aliens. Only in recent decades it has been resumed study currently vehiculându being not less than 40 theories about déjà vu.   

While it turned out that studying the phenomenon is not within everyone's reach as a deja vu happens quickly, unannounced only to certain people and not have the characteristic. In other words, it is a short-term feeling makes us feel now some glimpses of the past. But who can experience it? "I was about six when I had first deja vu. I do not even know what it's called! I remember I was playing with a little girl in her room and I thought I heard another time when everything she says. Very strange feeling, "Mirela dăzvăluit us. A similar experience took Sanda: "We had many déjà vu in my life. Most, when I was a kid. I was walking along in the car with my aunt and I realized that I'm very familiar places we passed, though I had never been in that area. " What the two have in common is the early age at which confessions happened déjà vu sites. And it's no coincidence. Studies show that most of the sensations of this kind occurring in early life. In fact, scientists have even drafted a "sketch" of the person experiencing déjà vu: is aged between 15 and 25 years, disposable income, higher education, imagination and the ability to remember what dreamed at night.  

Doctors were among the first specialists interested in the phenomenon, the emergence of déjà vu ground sites even before the onset of seizures in epileptic patients. However, they do not have a clear explanation for the presence of this false impression of familiarity, but may be the result of errors in the operation of the memory. If perceptions of current passing through part of the brain that processes memories of the past, these perceptions will seem to be memories, and the person will have the feeling that relives a moment from the past. Unfortunately there were no great progress with regard to discovering the causes that trigger the phenomenon in healthy people. And the lack of such information gave way to speculation of all kinds: from some "short circuits" of memory caused by experiments made by extraterrestrial human brain to "simple" memories from another life.

Whatever the starting point of déjà vu sensation and as stimuli that activate more important is to know how to relate to this phenomenon. For it must be determined whether the episode is perceived as a good experience or not. Some people are terrified during an episode of déjà vu, while others declare even euphoric. If you include fear, it is recommended to seek help in the person of a psychologist or a neurologist specializing in epilepsy. They can make the difference between epilepsy and schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or other psychiatric disorders may be confused with seizures. Once you have eliminated the possibility of these diseases do not only have to perceive déjà vu sites of your life as some harmless extrasensory experiences. More than that, if you're worried about enriching spiritual experience, we recommend Zen and Vipassana meditation courses, as both emphasize a harmonious far as possible.

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